What is 5G Technology and how it will change our life?

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology and much faster than all the networks. It is the latest Global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, networks. 5G is the new generation of networks that are designed to connect everyone and everything including objects, machines, devices, and satellites. The speed of 5G technology is 20 Gbps while the 4G gives 1 Gbps.
5G wireless technology means delivering high-speed data, high-speed accessibility, massive network capacity, Increase network connection, increase speed, reduce latency and improve flexibility.

How fast is 5G –

  1. Twenty Gbps per second.
  2. 5G is 10×100 faster than 4G.
  3. The high band 5G spectrum provides the expected boost in speed and capacity, low latency, and quality.
  4. Speed of 5G differ in different countries like
    • 220 megabytes per second in Las Vegas
    • 350 in New york
    • 380 in Los Angeles
    • 450 in Dallas
    • 550 in Chicago

How 5G will change our lives

  1. Smart cities –

Smart cities have now become a necessity for future development where living standards will be improved to another level. 5G technology is a universal connectivity angle that has not been present in the earlier generations of wireless technology. 5G is a wireless network, infrastructure is better than before the wireless network.
Businesses will be able to access all over the cities and all over the countries without any massive barriers to entry. 5G will allow artificial intelligence so that all people can easily complete the work without the help of any person with 100% accuracy and save time.
5G brings a new technology revolution for businesses, companies, offices, and research centers to have opportunities to take advantage of their access to fast data exchanges. If all the offices take advantage of 5G then automatically cities are converted into smart cities.

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2. Health care

Imagine a world where a surgeon can operate on a patient from another country through robotics and also with the speed of 5G robotics surgery is possible. Suppose you are living in rural areas there are no facilities of the hospital, the good doctor, and other medical services, 5G can potentially allow for remote healthcare monitoring from the best doctors in the world and also use artificial intelligence to concern a treatment plan. And also you can perform many tasks such as downloading imaging documents and real-time monitoring of patients.
There are many benefits of 5G in the healthcare industry and ultimately it will save more lives and improve the health of the global population.

3. Gadgets-

We are in the midst of a smart revolution: self-driving cars, smart speakers like google home assistant, Amazon Alexa, smart devices, home security alarms, etc. In the present time, 5G will make reality experiences in real-time so whether we are gaming, shopping, everything will become even more instantaneous, connected, and accessible.

4. Farming-

In farming, 5G will also transform the farming industry with a lot of devices like sensors and drones that can monitor crop production by collecting real-time data on various factors that impact crop growth, soil quality, humidity, temperature, and atmosphere condition. Farmers can use this technology before the coming of 5G, but they are not successful due to poor server connectivity. Now 5G will greatly increase the speed and connectivity of these devices, ensuring more information is collected and that the information is more accurate data. At present food demand continues to rise, 5G will help farmers to produce the largest possible crop yield and get the most out of their land. 5G also improves fertilizer, pesticides, and great quality speed.

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5. Entertainment –

Generally, good data speed means better technology, especially live streaming. On 5G, you can easily download any video, document Netflix show in seconds. Youtube videos will play instantly without any buffering. The time it takes to download your favorite game is a few seconds. 5G is increasing the media industries and also the entertainment industries. The entertainment industry was one of the major beneficiaries of the migration from 3G to 4G and 4G to 5G network, as it mobilized the video streaming, watching the video.

6. Automobiles Industries –

In the present time, road accidents are one of the biggest problems in the world. The inability to detect blind spots and delayed braking response times are among the top causes of accidents.
Per day, increasing the number of accidents has led to great emphasis on road safety. The government has taken many rules and regulations to address these issues, such as bringing improvement to road infrastructure and intellectualizing traffic signals. As a result, the government is turning to the latest technology to help reduce road accidents.
The coming of 5G technology in the automotive industry will open opportunities for connected cars, connected bus stops smart meters, automatically applied brakes, and autonomous vehicles. Such facilities will translate into ecosystem, scalability, navigation, fleet monitoring, sustainability, and safety.
The whirlwind of 5G leading disruption buffets the automotive vicinity through the four major sectors that would radically change the approach taken by automakers to develop automobiles. these trends are

  • Electrification
  • Connectivity
  • Shared mobility
  • Autonomous Driving

Currently, several companies  Vodafone limited, Volkswagen, Verizon, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Nokia, Huawei  Devices Cooperate. Deutsche Telekom AG, Audi DG, Ericsson, Robert Bosch gmbH, and more are aggressively making a market in the automotive industry through the utilization of the 5G technology.

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7. Security and war-

5G  technology is very important in public security as well as national security. The 5G network will also provide fully automatic weapons that make their own decision to fire on a target and unprecedented tracking of people in public in real-time using facial recognition technology.

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